“Think of TANDEM HOPE as a ‘creative management collaborative/Co-op.’ We believe each Believer has a role, function, perspective, and gift to share that will give glory to God. We can encourage deeper unity throughout the Body of Christ by celebrating how God has created each of us.”
TANDEM HOPE is a Christian worship collective. We’re Christians on various parts of our walk with Christ. We love to worship through all we do. And we’re a collection of random people who have been gifted with talents, skills, and a desire to share those with the Body of Christ for the glory of God and His Kingdom!
We primarily provide live worship for local churches, youth groups, community Christian concerts, etc. to encourage the greater area Body of Believers. We are united in Christ Jesus & love to worship God through art & music.
In a broader perspective, we want TANDEM HOPE's website & media to feature local artists, musicians, authors, etc. & highlight local movements of God’s Sovereignty & Love through the pre-existing & upcoming local non-profits. TANDEM HOPE also wants to feature local artists/authors/musicians to build them up & to encourage others to follow their dreams as God formulates & shapes it! Think of TANDEM HOPE as a ‘creative management collaborative/CO-op.’
TANDEM HOPE would love to feature local authors and their books, local musicians & their Christ-centered or Christ-laced albums. TANDEM HOPE will also feature occasional podcasts, vlogs, & written articles. We hope to continue recording home-studio albums in the next year. So remember to check out our Facebook page for the most up to date information!
The easiest explanation: TANDEM HOPE is the “parent company” or “umbrella company” over TANDEM HOPE WORSHIP COLLECTIVE and other entities.
Holistically, TANDEM HOPE aims to connect Christians through the expression of love for God through cross-multiple mediums of art. We hope and pray that this artistic and collaborative ministry will also reach unbelievers!
Do you have a God-sized dream? A God-sized vision? We can thank and praise Him while we wait and work because we know He’s molding our desires to His Heart and weaving us into His Sovereign Will. “My dreams for TANDEM HOPE began in 2014 and I’ve been talking with The Lord ever since about it. Sometimes doubt makes me waver; yet, that’s when we fix our eyes on His Faithfulness and His Promises.” Things never turn out the way we imagine it—it’s usually so much better.
We encourage you to check out our ABOUT US page to hear our story!
TORCH NIGHT is a FREE event that takes place in Lenawee County, Michigan. This night occurs 3x yearly (Feb/Mar, Jun/Jul, and Oct/Nov) and enlists musicians and vocalists from numerous churches in the area. TORCH NIGHT incorporates live worship music, Scripture-reading, prayer, and opportunities for fellowship, connection, celebration, and to serve the local commuity. Come join us! Head over to our TORCH NIGHT page under “PROJECTS.”
“I wanted to open up my heart and invite some more local brothers and sisters into some dreams that I believe God is shaping in my lifetime and I pray in the lifetimes of those in my surrounding faith family. So there’s more musicians and artists I’m connecting with to add to our team.”
— Leisha Cole, the founder and lead worship leader of TANDEM HOPE
If this is you, we encourage you to head over to our “CONTACT US” page. That’s the best place to go if you are also interested in becoming a choir member, singer, musician,
We have several songwriters in our collective who are currently writing songs and recording demos. We hope to release an album in 2023, Lord willing!
In the meantime, we invite you to listen to our THWC Podcast! (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Switcher, etc.)
When our music is released, be sure to check out music streaming platforms, such as Spotify and our website! To stay up to date on new releases, be sure to follow us on social media!