The Most POWERFUL Prayer
“Not My Will, But Yours Be Done”
Jesus obediently submitted to The Father, bent over, in tears and with revived resolution when he prayed the most POWERFUL prayer— “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Within Biblical context, this was Christ Jesus’ prayer to Our God in the Garden of Gethsemane the night Christ was betrayed and surrendered to the council to be killed. Jesus knew it was the final hour before his betrayal and spent that time desperate for The Father and His Presence. Haven’t we all prayed prayers, desperate for The Father’s rescuing? For His Divine Intervention? For His Peaceful Presence?
The Night Jesus Was Betrayed - Luke 22:39-54
“Isn’t this prayer the antithesis of our human, fleshly, default setting?”
But in the end, do we continue to give God the cold shoulder, shake our fists, or shut down in our sorrow and defeat when we want our way? Or do we humbly, with faith and trust, pray as Christ, Our Perfect Example did? Within Luke 22:39-53, we read Christ’s words: “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from me. NEVERTHELESS, not MY will, but Yours, be done,” (author’s emphasis). What a beautiful and valiant way to honor Our Heavenly Father—DESPITE the dread, fear and WEIGHT of what Jesus knew was in his near future. Like Christ, DESPITE what we feel, we MUST TRUST He will fulfill His Promises to us. DESPITE the suffering and confusion and frustration—TRUST. Not my will, but Yours be done.
We need to truly and deeply comprehend that Our God is Who He says He Is—The Great I AM—and that HIS Ways are higher and HIS Ways are the ways of true righteousness, of light and everlasting joy. How often do we pray the MOST POWERFUL prayer? Only when necessary? Only in trials? Only in the '“good times,” when we feel “satisfied” in other things or our situation? Daily? I think we all know our hearts—and the whole world—would greatly benefit from this prayer continually throughout EACH DAY.
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
But isn’t this prayer the antithesis of our human, fleshly default setting? Lord, forgive us for how near-sighted our faith and prayers are. Help us to expand our prayers to be more inclusive of others around us and of the conflict that happens around the world. Help us to pray with the heart and compassion of Christ for the nations! Help us to set our agendas aside and help us to die to self. Isn’t this prayer—the MOST POWERFUL prayer—of the utmost priority here on earth? Give us discipline and wisdom, Holy Spirit, to fix our eyes to Jesus. And Lord fill us will your grace and perspective from Your Throne. Help us to see what You see, to the glory of God. And if The KING of KINGS can surrender to Our Heavenly Father, and trust his life in His Hands, then I pray that we all choose to trust Him, as well.
Read my next blog where I expound upon Luke 22. CLICK HERE. And ENJOY the following songs that I HANDPICKED Just. For. You. (Gosh, don’t you just feel so darn special! *Silly face*). Love ya’ll. Peace!