“Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”
MODULE 1.1 - Our Secure Identity In Christ
MODULE 1.2 - Our Unique & Distinct Functions Operating Collectively Within The Body of Christ
MODULE 1.3 - The Importance of Personal Spiritual & Emotional Health
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Be sure to watch the module video lesson or review the presentation notes for more information regarding this module’s objectives (see below).
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Scripture Reading & Reflection
Highlight specific Scriptures and link to Biblegateway.com as a pop-up window.
Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam.
. .
Enter prayer text here. enter text here.
Module 1.1 Lesson
Enter text here about Identity - a good point or reminder
WARNING: say something about negative implications if people don’t heed this advice.
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Strengths & Weaknesses
Module 1 Presentation Notes
Feel free to re-watch any of the Module 1 videos to review! Or click on the presentation image if you’re interested in simply looking through the presentation notes (no audio).
Click here to see the Module Checklist of items you need to complete before concluding this module.
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Remember to take time to recharge after all the content we’ve convered!
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