Glorifying God through cross-multiple art mediums, in Jesus' Name!

THWC Podcast Episodes

What’s up worshipers! We’re excited about this platform of ministry to challenge and encourage other brothers and sisters of the faith, in their walk with Jesus! We’re having Christ-centered, God-glorifying conversations! Come join us on this journey together!

Posts tagged False Teaching
(S1.E29) Roots That Last ft. Caleb Barrows (Part 6 of 6)

SEASON 1: EPISODE 29: Roots That Last ft. Caleb Barrows (Part 6 of 6)

(Series: Church Planting)

TANDEM HOPE WORSHIP COLLECTIVE is excited to begin a new series simply titled, Church Planting with our host, Leisha Cole. In today’s episode, we continue to talk with our guest, Pastor Caleb Barrows. If your own church body is an arm trying to function as a leg within your community, your church body is trying to be something its not. We need all Church Bodies under Christ, unified by being the church who God has called you to be. Don’t try to measure up to any other cultural or societal standard. Be true to who God has called you to be. We also discuss practical techniques in terms of finding musicians! Caleb also challenges us—”Instead of ‘God, we’re so under-resourced,’ ask for spiritual eyes to see who and what He HAS provided and thank God for His Provision!” Pastor Barrows also encourages those planting a church by reminding us, “We’re most fruitful in the ways we least expect it.” What does “success” look like? What does “failure” look like? Let’s grow in God’s Timing, or else we fall prey to the dangers of unhealthy, human expectations.

God bless!


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(S1.E28) Roots That Last ft. Caleb Barrows (Part 5 of 6)

SEASON 1: EPISODE 28: Roots That Last ft. Caleb Barrows (Part 5 of 6)

(Series: Church Planting)

TANDEM HOPE WORSHIP COLLECTIVE is excited to begin a new series simply titled, Church Planting with our host, Leisha Cole. Starting off as our first guest is beloved friend, Church Planter, Pastor and Ohio-native: Caleb Barrows. In today’s episode, we discuss megachurches and false teaching and The False Gospel. In this discussion, we ask the question, “What/who are we drawing people to? What are they being drawn with?” Some churches are known for teaching that glorifies selfishness, individualism, comfort in sin, and personal prosperity. We pray that you are challenged by today’s episode so that we multiply true lovers of Christ Jesus as we plant churches. In all we say and do—it’s gotta glorify God.

God bless!


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